What are the troubleshooting methods for drum gear couplings?

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What are the troubleshooting methods for drum gear couplings?

  Drum shapeGear couplingIs the one with a higher usage rateCouplingCompared with the straight-tooth coupling, it can allow greater angular displacement, the angular compensation is greater than that of the straight-tooth coupling, and the contact conditions of the teeth are greatly improved, thus increasing the service life of the coupling .First of all, the drum gear coupling is insufficient or short of oil.

  Or improper use of grease may result in calcification of the grease, resulting in inability to lubricate between the tooth surfaces, or poor lubrication, resulting in serious tooth surface wear.This situation can be avoided as long as the new grease is replaced, qualified grease oil is injected regularly to prevent oil leakage, and the amount of oil is sufficient.

  Secondly, the horizontality and coaxiality errors of the two shafts are too large, beyond the range of the coupling, which can be compensated, making the shaft teeth and the internal teeth meshing incorrectly, causing local contact and additional torque.And this additional moment can be decomposed into axial force.Acting on the inner gear ring, the magnitude of this force depends on the size of the deviation, and is proportional to the deviation. The greater the deviation, the greater the force, resulting in axial displacement of the inner gear ring of the coupling of the lifting accessories.