Coupling manufacturers start to extend XINLAN machinery and apologize to customers across the country

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Coupling manufacturers start to extend XINLAN machinery and apologize to customers across the country

Coupling FactoryHome XINLAN Machinery does not startCouplingUsers please understand that not only customers in Wuhan, but also customers across the country!In the face of the epidemic, following the party’s command and the expert’s plan is a dedication to the motherland. This sudden coronavirus is very contagious. The state orders not to be contagious, to go out less, and to wash hands frequently, which will prevent the infection of the disease. As a company legal person -, the start of construction on the sixth day of each year will be postponed. The specific start time depends on the arrangement of superiors. This will affect the company's contract duration with customers. Hope every company customer understands!Only if there is a country, there is a home, and you can take care of the overall situation, XINLANCoupling manufacturersEnsure that you work overtime when you start to actually catch up with the construction period!I'm sorry in this extraordinary period!