Brief introduction of injection machinery technology of elastic pin coupling winter low temperature woolen connector

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Brief introduction of injection machinery technology of elastic pin coupling winter low temperature woolen connector

  It’s been a few days since winter, and the weather is getting colder. The temperature in our north is very low.UnitedDeviceIt is time to pay attention and make reasonable arrangements. Today, as a technician in a machinery factory, I will tell the customers who have ordered or are using woolen cloth as the connecting parts, the reasonable and practical points of cancellation:

(1) Cancellation of woolen cloth ordered from nowCouplingIt should be the connection size of the coupling to the small, the smaller the gap between the hole and the pin, the less inertia, because the greater the inertia of impact.

(2) Coat some antifreeze oil on the woolen cloth. The oil will penetrate into the woolen cloth itself. To a certain extent, the woolen cloth will lose its elasticity and break easily when it freezes. Therefore, antifreeze is also very important.

(3) Pay attention to working conditions to minimize the starting frequency of the equipment. A strong torque will be generated at the moment of starting, so minimizing the impact of strong torque will also reduce damage.

   Wait for the overview, if you need a machine factory, you can ask, the company will treat each other with enthusiasm and help you solve the problem.

  选择Coupling manufacturerJust choose the machinery company to be your friend!

                                                                                                                       Coupling manufacturers    Company salesperson---Jinyue


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