Coupling manufacturers stipulate and remedy casting couplings with pores and trachoma

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Coupling manufacturers stipulate and remedy casting couplings with pores and trachoma

  Today's technology is much stronger than before. Take the foundry industry as far as the casting industry is concerned, the waste of castings is almost zero, but there is an unavoidable and controllable defect in casting-pore trachoma, becauseUnitedDeviceCasting pairCouplingIt is very critical. Stomatal trachoma will directly affect the processing and performance of the coupling. As a coupling manufacturer, the machinery has formulated a set of plans for this. Every process from the casting of the casting to the processing must pay attention to this. If it is broken, you must not fix it. It is also skillful to judge the degree of stomatal trachoma. For some, it is better to use electric welding. In shortCoupling manufacturersThe machinery factory is very careful about the quality of the coupling. Good products come from machinery, and good products come from machinery!

                                                                                                              Coupling manufacturer  Technology Department---Liu Gong


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