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  Open up and innovate, customer first

Only by understanding the voice of the customer can we understand the customer's intention and produce a good coupling product to be mutually beneficial and win-win.

In normal business dealings with customers, only by understanding the voice of the customer can we understand the customer’s intentions and produce good products.CouplingProduct, abstract a paragraph in a good paper"Psychological marketing treats customers not only as people with a certain economic status, but also as people with certain psychological characteristics.The individual client is a human individual, with the psychological phenomena and laws of psychological activities of ordinary people.At the same time, as customers, their feelings, perceptions, imagination, emotions, concepts, attitudes, interests, temperament, personality, memory, thinking, ability and other psychological phenomena and psychological qualities are often integrated into the desire, motivation and behavior of purchase. "Starting from a simple order, what dimensional tolerances should the customer want the product to achieve, so as to ensure timely delivery this morning during the production period, and the customer's satisfaction will have more products in the future.Coupling manufacturerwith customerOnly to be mutually beneficial and win-win!Due to space limitations, please inquire!