This is not a reverse phenomenon but a manifestation of the connection phenomenon. Coupling sales are also one of them.

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This is not a reverse phenomenon but a manifestation of the connection phenomenon. Coupling sales are also one of them.

with usCouplingProduction directly related to the iron jia has always been kept at a low value over the years. This is not a reverse phenomenon but a manifestation of the connection phenomenon. Coupling sales are also one of them. In 2008, China’s economic surge should be thought of the world. At that time, the iron jia was at a high position. Every product in the machinery industry is prosperous. At that time, the country's economic impact was particularly strong, making the iron industry soaring by about 4500 yuan per ton, but now it is hovering at about 3000 yuan. The production of steel has lost its place. It will be connected to the replacement of the coupling, or the launch of new products, which is the same as the reduction of consumables. For example, the ready-to-use steel for construction sales will be greatly reduced, and the production of steel will also be reduced. This is an economic link phenomenon!Miscellaneous! ! !